Detention and Lack of Information about the Situation of Five Gonabadi Dervishes in Tehran and Karaj – Execution of Ten-Year Prison Sentences for Three Other Detained Dervishes

Continuing the violation of the rights of religious and ethnic minorities in Iran, three Gonabadi dervishes were detained on April 11, 2021, and two others were detained by the security forces of the Islamic Republic on the same day. Additionally, the ten-year prison sentences for three other dervishes have been executed after confirmation by the Supreme Court. According to reports from human rights sources in Iran, Zahra Entesari and Maryam Moradi were arrested at their home in western Tehran on Monday, April 11, 2021. On the same day, Hamid Faraji,…

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Five civil and media activists arrested and summoned in Tehran and Ahvaz

Human rights sources from Iran have reported that in recent days, three media activists and civil activists critical of the Islamic Republic have been arrested in Tehran and Ahvaz, and two human rights activists have been summoned to khuzestan judicial authorities. According to Iran Human Rights Watch, on October 30, 2020, Mr. Reza Bavi and Fouad Sadeghi, two Ahwazi Arab bloggers and media activists, were arrested at Tehran International Airport (Imam). Kamal Hosseini, an Ahwazi Arab student activist, was also arrested by plainclothes security agents in front of Chamran University…

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Iran’s Baha’i Problem

The Islamic Republic of Iran is facing a big problem. As a matter of fact, the problem is so big that the Iranian leadership and State media cannot stop talking about it. They are very very upset, suffering from high levels of stress and anxiety. This problem is so big that it has unified the otherwise divided hardliners and pragmatists who now speak with one voice in the name of all that is holy and sacred. If you guessed that the problem is the highest per capita rate of executions…

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Amnesty: Proposed Iranian Law Restricting Access to Lawyer Would Be Crushing Blow for Justice

A contemptible amendment to the Iran’s code of criminal procedure could effectively strip detainees who are facing punishments such as the death penalty, life imprisonment and amputation, of the right to access a lawyer while they are under investigation, Amnesty International announced on Thursday, May 16. An analysis of the bill published by the organization Thursday details how, if passed, the amended law would permit the prosecution to immediately deprive individuals arrested on “national security” and certain other serious criminal charges of access to a lawyer for 20 days, which…

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Iran’s Baha’i Problem

The Islamic Republic of Iran is facing a big problem. As a matter of fact, the problem is so big that the Iranian leadership and State media cannot stop talking about it. They are very very upset, suffering from high levels of stress and anxiety. This problem is so big that it has unified the otherwise divided hardliners and pragmatists who now speak with one voice in the name of all that is holy and sacred. If you guessed that the problem is the highest per capita rate of executions…

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Human rights Violation yet to Continue in Iran, Christian Citizens arrested in Karaj, Shiraz, and Tehran

Amid extensive human rights violation in Iran, Some Christian citizens along with some Christian proselytes have been arrested in different cities in Iran, yet to be published their whereabouts and their latest status. “Behnam Ersali and Davoud Rasouli(David), 2 Christian proselytes have been arrested by security forces on November 16th, 2008 and moved to an unknown location.” Iranian human rights activists announced. Plus, Sara Karimaghae, Shohreh Darvishi, Babak Hayati, and Hamid Khobyary were arrested in Babak Hayati’s Place on November 17th, let alone their houses were searched by security forced…

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Authorities Raid Home of Detained Baha’i Citizen Noora Pourmoradian, Arrest her Parents

The aggression against Baha’is in Iran was still palpable Thursday, September 27th when Shiraz-based Security forces raided the home of Shirazi Baha’i prisoner of conscience Noora Pourmoradian, seizing her personal belongings and temporarily detaining her mother and father. Claiming that the search was necessary to the completion of Noora’s case, security forces threatened the Pourmoradian family with “severe consequences” if they leaked photo evidence or publicly disclosed information about the incident. “To intimidate them, they handcuffed Mr. Saeid Pourmoradian (Noora’s father) and took him into the car, menacing him [about…

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Bulletin on September 2018 Baha’i Crackdown

An intense wave of human rights violations has seriously undermined the Iranian Baha’i community over the past two weeks. For years, the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution has kept a firm hand on the upward mobility of Baha’i citizens by barring them from government employment and placing myriad obstacles on their paths to higher education. A toll of some of the campaign’s most recent victims underlines its widening scope: fifty-eight Baha’i students, after successfully passed this year’s National University Entrance Exam, stopped short of enrolling; at least four Baha’i…

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The situation of the recent detainees in Kermanshah and Ilam is still unknown

Seven bloggers and human rights activists have been arrested in Kermanshah and Ilam, and after a few weeks, nothing has been announced/published about their current situation and status.   According to human rights sources, during a new wave of arrests, Bahman Maleki, Farhad Heshmati, Ali Kouchakpour, Keivan Mohamadi and Hosein Tahmasbi in Kermanshah, and Javad Kheibar and Laleh Aghaei, were arrested in Ilam and their situation is still unknown. The reports show that Bahman Maleki was arrested at work on 30 December 2017, and was transferred to an unknown location…

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The arrest of a number of Christians and Baha’i in Tehran and Shiraz

The continuing violations of religious minorities in Iran, the A number of Christian converts were arrested in Tehran by plainclothes security officers There is no news about their status and destiny . At the same time, it was reported that three Baha’i citizens were arrested in Shiraz after being summoned to the Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal.   According to the Human Rights Reporters , Razmik Khachaturian , Setareh Vahedi, Roya Aminipour, Shaghayegh Dehghani, Mohsen Yazdani, Frank Amini, and Behnam Pourmohammadi – September 25 , 2017 in Tehran They were arrested, and their location is still unknown.   The houses of these people have been inspected, and satellite devices, books, computers and some equipment have been confiscated.   Also, during the past two days, the frequent visits of…

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