Without a Definitive, Coordinated Response from the International Community, Iran’s Violence Abroad will not Cease

The July 13, 2021 revelation about the indictment by the United State Department of Justice of four Iranians involved in a kidnapping plot targeting Masih Alinejad and other unnamed activists in exile has shocked and dismayed the Iranian diaspora. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s history of politically motivated violence across the world is not new. Since 1979 Iranian agents have carried out attacks against hundreds of refugees, most often with impunity, hence their repetition. Iranian authorities respond to rising discontent and unrest with violence. Protests, which broke over water shortages in Khuzestan…

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Detention and Lack of Information about the Situation of Five Gonabadi Dervishes in Tehran and Karaj – Execution of Ten-Year Prison Sentences for Three Other Detained Dervishes

Continuing the violation of the rights of religious and ethnic minorities in Iran, three Gonabadi dervishes were detained on April 11, 2021, and two others were detained by the security forces of the Islamic Republic on the same day. Additionally, the ten-year prison sentences for three other dervishes have been executed after confirmation by the Supreme Court. According to reports from human rights sources in Iran, Zahra Entesari and Maryam Moradi were arrested at their home in western Tehran on Monday, April 11, 2021. On the same day, Hamid Faraji,…

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Arrest and summoning a number of civil and media activists in different cities of Iran

Reports indicate that in recent days, four civil society and media activists critical of the Islamic Republic were arrested in Tehran and Karaj and Two political activists were also summoned to court. According to human rights sources, Mehri Entesari and  Yashar Karimi were arrested on December 28, 2020 in Tehran, and Somayeh Moghadam and Fatemeh Zahraei were arrested on December 30, 2020 in Karaj by Revolutionary Guards intelligence agents. According to this report, Mehran Mohammadzadeh and Mahshid Asadi were summoned to the Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal of Tehran on December 30. According…

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